New Business Network Empowers
Australian and Italian Women

About IBWN

Italian Business Women's Network is a network where we the daughters, granddaughters, nieces and sisters of Italian migrant women can come together to show honour to our heritage and honour the courage that the women before us had to leave their country of birth, Italy,  to migrate abroad to Australia.


Dynamic Networking Platform

The Italian Business Women's Network is a networking platform where, women of not just Italian heritage, can connect to a database of women in their same profession to share experiences and information

Promote the rich contributions of business women of Italian heritage to the Australian business community. 

Access businesses offering products & services of interest to members

 Assist in building and promoting your business both in Australia and Italy

Share experiences, knowledge, ideas and support for each other 

"Today, we are successful women in all rights. From politics, to being CEO's , to running family businesses, to being writers, actors, teachers, Doctors, mothers and wives, leaders in our communities, what do we have in common? We are daughters of Italian migrant women"

Mariangela Stagnitti - Founder





" We all stand on the shoulders of amazing, courageous women who have come before us, who sacrificed and worked hard to provide the best opportunities they could, so we can succeed and have choices in life – including to have fruitful careers "

Uff. Hon. Teresa Gambaro


Our Mission

Our mission is to unite and connect women of Italian heritage and celebrate the achievements they have reached. To inspire and support our members via our networking events, mentoring workshops, conferences, and seminars through which we can share experiences, stories and ideas.

IBWN Mentoring


What brings us together is our love of our heritage, culture and professional interests.  Our networks'  mentoring program offers the opportunity of helping young professional females get their footing in the business arena, and provide a connection and professional opportunity to give back to the community sharing experiences, knowledge, ideas and support for both local and new to Australia females.

We'd love to send you regular event updates, business news and industry insider knowledge.

Sounds good?
Let's connect.

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Traditions | History | Culture

Always remember who you are and where you came from. Embrace what our mother's had difficulty in relating to and understanding. Our families, traditions, culture and language are very special, we are who we are because of them. Let's continue the dream that our parents had for their children, for us. Continue the traditions, continue the culture, continue the language... it is our duty to do so on behalf of our migrant mothers

Share Your Story

Share with us the reasons why you are proud to being an Italian woman. Celebrate your heritage, celebrate your culture. Carry on forward what our nonnas  and mothers started all those years ago. Dont bottle those stories, share them at not only a personal level but also at a professional level. Help preserve our heritage, our language our traditions by sharing them through our network.

Italian History Culture Traditions